About us


St Giles’ is the parish church of Ickenham and is part of the Church of England. Since 1985 we have been in a covenant relationship with Ickenham United Reformed Church and do many activities together.  The essence of our covenant is not to do separately what we could do together.

St Giles’ Vision Statement, Mission Objectives and Values


Vision Statement:

To become more like Jesus, so that through us more people will become disciples of Jesus.

Mission Objectives:

As a church, we want to be shaped by Christ’s commission in Matthew 28v19, to be, and make disciples of Jesus Christ.

To do this, we will:

1.  develop our relationship with God;

2.  support one another;

3.  reach out to the community.

We aim to serve the local community and share the good news of Jesus Christ with the residents of Ickenham.  Most people who attend St Giles’ live in Ickenham and we’re a group of local people who have found that faith in Christ makes a big difference to our everyday lives.

We aim to integrate Christian faith, worship and witness with the life of the community and we exist to stimulate faith in Jesus Christ: new faith; disused faith; established faith.  Our services are open to anyone, and we also hold events and courses to help people in their search for meaning in life.


This focus on mission leads us to value:

  • prayer at the forefront and core of all we do;
  • openness to the guidance of the Holy Spirit;
  • worship that transforms us to become more like Christ;
  • teaching that is faithful to the Bible;
  • fellowship that is caring and loving to all;
  • teamwork that encourages all to participate in ministry;
  • sacrificial giving in response to Christ’s love for us.

(based on a the model of church described in Acts 11.19-30)

Wherever possible we aim to pursue our vision statement through our covenant relationship with the United Reformed Church.