Study Groups

If you are looking for a regular home group that meets to read and study the Bible, or you would like to discuss your faith with other Christians, or you would like to pray with others, or learn more about how to become a Christian or how to grow as a Christian, then this page is for you.  All our small groups are run jointly with Ickenham United Reformed Church.

Home Groups are small groups meeting in people’s homes. Our usual pattern is to meet fortnightly throughout the year, to study the Bible, discuss, share news and pray together. There are evening and day groups and each group chooses the topic/Bible book to discuss.

Lent groups are a type of home group meeting for 5 weekly sessions in the spring but all using the same material.

Alpha is a ten-session course designed to cover the basics of the Christian faith and for exploring the claims of Jesus Christ.   Time is given for participants to ask questions and discuss what Christians believe and what it means to be a Christian, and to explore how life-changing faith in Jesus can be.



There has been lots going on recently!  Our hope is that increasing numbers of us will find meeting together, with opportunity to discuss our faith, will build us up individually and as a community of God’s people serving God’s community here in Ickenham and beyond!   As these are your small groups, please advise us if you think of any topics or approaches in learning together in groups that we should consider for the future.

Contact: the Church Office e-mail: